Alien Baptism and the Baptists (Spanish)
By W.M. Nevins
This book traces the history of the Anabaptists from 200 A.D. down to the present. It shows how for 15 centuries the rivers of Europe ran with the blood of Anabaptists who died rather than accept the baptism of alien sects. It also shows the fallacy of the universal, invisible church, and of the claim of the Roman Catholics that Christ built His church on Peter. Get this book and read it. It will make you a truer, more loyal Baptist.
Table of Contents:
The Pattern of the Tabernacle
The Pattern of Baptism
A Proper Administration
The Administration in the Apostolic Church
Alien Immersion and the Post-Apostolic Churches
Post-Apostolic Heresies
Rise of the Anabaptists
The Paulicians
Albigenses and Waldenses
The Anabaptists
Luther, Calvin, and Anabaptists
Tje Anabaptists Following the Reformation
Watchman, What of the Night?
Hold Fast Till I Come
Tennessee Baptist
This Dangerous Innovation
ISBN 0866450793
Also available on Kindle - Alien Baptism and the Baptists (Spanish)
SKU: 1576